My Portfolio Website

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Marvel One-A-Day - Day 99: Mockingbird

Bobbi Morse, Hawkeye's on-again-off-again: Mockingbird.


Wusel's... said...

Wow. I love the boots. Very good work.
I feel really sorry for not writing comments in the last weeks...I don't want to dissappoint anyone...but I'm working 80 hours a week and can hardly manage to post regularly...I know I must change's too much and I'm so tired sometimes. But I always check out your drawings on my BlackBerry when I'm on my way to work or have a short break but I can't comment on it. It doesn't work on smartphones sometimes. The comment box doesn't open. But I still enjoy your posts. Every single one of it.

Unknown said...

Awww that's nice that you are still watching Joe. :) I figured you were. I am sorry about your work situation and I hope you can fix it soon. There was a time I was working and going to school, which meant I was working 80+ hours a week, 7 days a week myself. So I definitely sympathize. It's no fun, but I do believe it made me a better person.

Anyway, I just want you to know I'll be thinking about you, and it's great you have time to post occasional art and photos!