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Monday, October 4, 2010

Marvel One-A-Day - Day 71: Namor

Sorry Iron Man Week didn't get too far. It's hard to post these when I take trips home, because my folks aren't really wired in at home. No scanner, no computer even. Certainly no internet.

This week, I think I'll do characters with an underwater theme. Starting with Namor, Prince of Atlantis.

Is it coincidence that I was watching Chuck while drawing him, and he came out looking like Adam Baldwin? I certainly didn't mean for it to happen, but you know what now I can't imagine a better actor to play him in a movie! What do you guys think?


Wusel's... said...'re back. Fantastic. Hope you had a good time.

extrantice said...

Adam Baldwin could play anyone.

Anyone tall.

Unknown said...

Heh, too true, Marianne.

Hi Joe! I had a great trip, lots of fun, saw a baseball game. It's playoff time, so I am excited. :) How have you been?