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Friday, August 20, 2010

Marvel One-A-Day - Day 45: Frog Thor

Puddlejump, The Frog Avenger!

No, I am not making this character up. It's a frog that has the power of Thor. For real.


Wusel's... said...

very cool...made me laugh! a frog wielding the might of thor...You are a bit nuts. Like me. That's nice.

Unknown said...

Me nuts? Whatever makes you think that? 8'D

So how did you learn to cry? That story about the blackbird and that picture of you crying (even if it was just for pretend) made me so sad "I" almost cried!

Grace Liu said...


Go go puddlejumper?

(you are totally making this up...)

Unknown said...

Well.. Apparently I remembered the comic slightly wrong.

Loki turned Thor into a frog and he met a DIFFERENT frog named PuddleGULP (not Puddlejump - whoops). Then he helped the frogs fight a war with the rats in Central Park before he got changed back.

That part I did not make up. :) Here is my proof: