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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Marvel One-A-Day - Day 32: Bullseye

I've been on a Daredevil kick recently. There is a great Marvel event going on right now called Shadowland, so I am into all things Daredevil. Here is his arch-enemy: Bullseye.


Wusel's... said...

YEAH! Great!

It's fantastic that you draw so much...I often have no time to paint anything and it's a real pity. I have to reorganize my daily routine, I think, to have more time for the art.

Unknown said...

Well thanks Joe! To be honest, I am quite impressed with your multi-faceted talents! You are not only an artist, but a musician, and from what I can tell a fashion expert as well! I am just trying to get better at one of my talents, but you are working on many!

MrOkojie said...

Bullseyes throws cards like Gambit?

Unknown said...

Bullseye can pretty much throw ANYthing like a deadly weapon. But playing cards is a regular schtick. He was doing it well before Gambit was created too.

MrOkojie said...

ahh I see. Thanks